Above: Scene from AMG film H-11, Bob Marvin and Chuck Hall. 8mm $8.25, 16mm $13.12. Release date July 24, 1966. Illustrated on pages 31-32 UW catalog.

Catalogs are 25 cents each page. Below: Scene from AMG film F-18 FRONTIER CINDER-FELLA 8mm $16 16mm $24. Pgs 11-15 SB catalog. Mike Kinney is Cinderfella and Jim Bobiera is his cruel stepbrother. The sheriff (played by Kenny Moher) comes in to break up one of their perpetually recurring fights, but the two turn on him.

Scene from AMG film B-52 BODYBUILDERS AND THE GANGSTERS scheduled for release March 1,.. 1970. 8mm $11. 16mm $16.50. (But if ten people write in and promise to buy it now, we will get the special 8mm negatives made up

so it can be released ahead of schedule. This is true of all of our films scheduled for later release.

Illustrated on pgs 36-38 TT.

In this scene the two bodybuilders have just won out over the gangsters and are calling the police..

Gas Station Robbery ARE

Film G-23. Me

hon, Gable, & Dy Ian. 8mm $12.2

16mm $18. Pages

2 & 3 of SK cata-

Scene from Film F-17 Freshmen's Initiation. 8mm $16, 16mm $24. Catalog pgs15-18 RA.

Film S-60 Densman Twins in SEEING DOUBLE

8mm $11.75 16m$17.64 Pgs 11-14

SD catalog

Film D-9 Matney, Mahrer, Dyball, and

Big Conoe, 8mm $11. 16mm $16.50

Pgs 22, 23 of UC catalog.

Page 22